The best recruiters are engaging, approachable folk – people want to work with them, people buy from them. They...
With twenty five years’ experience in HR, Recruitment and Talent, and within Executive Search as a head-hunter of HR Leaders, I founded my business in 2016 to support both organisations and individuals.
About me
I started my career in HR, Resourcing and Talent roles within the Retail industry. I then moved to Executive Search as a headhunter specialising in HR leadership roles. I am now an Executive Coach, helping leaders achieve career success and fulfilment, by playing to their strengths.
I have studied at both Durham and Oxford University. I am a Barefoot trained Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation at Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level. I am an accredited Practitioner of both Strengths Profile and Insights Discovery. I am a LinkedIn Top Voice for Careers and was recognised as one of London’s Top 15 Coaches in 2024.
I strongly believe in taking opportunities that come your way and stepping out of your comfort zone, and I have lived and worked outside of the UK in Germany, Chile and Singapore.
I believe in giving back and paying it forward and do a range of pro bono work as Chief Ambassador for the Girls Friendly Society (GFS).
Alongside my work, which is a passion, I am a mum to an energetic eleven-year-old, a book lover, a festival goer, a builders’ tea drinker and a house plant nurturer.
LinkedIn Top Voices
FR - HR Director
LT - Managing Director
AC - Head of HR Projects
AH, Business Co-Owner
JE - Global Chief People Officer
Eight years on, the 8 things that have stayed with me
In 2016 I left the world of executive search and set up my business. At the end of June...
It’s not selfish to think about what you want (and it might be life changing.)
I’ve worked with hundreds of participants on Career Accelerator programmes, and something comes up frequently; many say it is...