Why it’s not a terrible thing to influence how other people think of you
Personal branding. Cringe. I know. It is something I see a physical response to whenever I mention it as ...
Why lurking on LinkedIn won’t help you get a new role
Are you actively looking for a new role? Assuming your situation is not confidential, here are 9 ways you ...
LinkedIn Challence from May 2021: Stop lurking and start posting.
My LinkedIn challenge, run in May 2021 can be viewed in full . Have you been meaning to post ...
How can LinkedIn help me when I am looking for a new job?
You have found yourself looking for a new role. It is an important time of reflection about what next. ...
I’m not looking for a new job, why do I need to bother with LinkedIn?
When LinkedIn was still quite new, I remember having a lively debate with a Group HR Director who wasn’t ...
8 tips for a successful LinkedIn profile
Almost everyone I have spoken to when I am coaching or leading career development sessions feels their LinkedIn profile ...