Beware: don’t mistake your headhunter for a career coach
The best recruiters are engaging, approachable folk – people want to work with them, people buy from them. They ...

This is why you don’t want to be headhunted accidentally
I was chatting to someone recently and they told me they were moving to a similar role in a ...

How can I overcome my fixed mindset and change for the better?
When people exhibit a ‘fixed mindset’, they believe their intelligence is fixed and can’t be developed. They also believe ...

13 reasons why hiring a coach could be a game changer
I was really shocked when someone recently said to me ‘oh I don’t need coaching’. My reaction was strong. ...

What is a growth mindset and how can it help you?
We have all worked with someone who wasn’t pleased when others succeeded. Or someone who argued with the feedback ...

Fifteen things you need to know if you are moving internationally
Having recently moved to a new country for a third time – this time to Singapore – I have ...

Three years on, the highs and lows
The end of June 2019 marks three years since I left the corporate world and set up my own ...

How coaching can help if you are made redundant
I wish I had known then, what I know now. At the start of my career I worked as ...