Articles and Guest Blogs
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I regularly write pieces on a range of career topics for publications and The Positive Pause, my LinkedIn Newsletter, in addition to my blog. Please contact me at for any requests to write for your publication.
‘How to build your career as a freelancer’ for Life Lovers Magazine
‘Nine pieces of advice I would have loved to have been given when I was a girl’ for Girls Friendly Society.
‘Is it possible to grieve for something before you’ve lost it?’ for Life Lovers Magazine
‘Is it time to reassess what’s important in your career?’ for We Are the City
‘How to write a CV that will get you interviews’ for Life Lovers Magazine
‘9 ways to help your career by getting more visible’ for Life Lovers Magazine
‘Planning your next move’ for Homeworker Magazine
‘Fall in love with the other side of networking’ for Life Lovers Magazine
‘Strengths-based networking in a virtual world’ for Elliott Scott HR
‘Five things 2020 has taught me‘ for Trapeze HR
‘What is the future of leadership?‘ for the British Chamber of Commerce, Singapore
‘Taking care of your career’ with Gabriella Driver
The Positive Pause
– invest a moment in you
‘Focus on your own achievements and feel the joy’
‘Find magic in your everyday life through glimmers’
‘Life is better when we balance doing with thinking’
‘How grief is like glitter. (And why I will be forever thankful I knew Diane Hanna.)’
‘How one little word can change everything – the power of ‘yet”
‘Why it’s worth taking time to reflect on your year, even when you are busy’
‘How can we try to better understand someone else’s challenges?’
‘How will change ever happen if leaders don’t care about the problem?’
‘Doing these three things will make a huge difference to your career’
‘Life is short. Please don’t settle. Find a job you love.’
‘My six highlights of six years (and how they could help you)’
‘How good are you at keeping in touch with professional contacts?’
‘What informs your decision making? Your head, heart or gut?’
‘This #MyWholeSelfDay do you feel able to take your whole self to work?’
‘How committing to writing a weekly reflection has changed my life’